Our Services
We firmly believe that only companies that concentrate their work in certain areas can provide truly exceptional work. We pride ourselves for our problem solving capabilities and explore Architectural Drawings (as well as all related trade drawings) to the fullest extent before resorting to the RFI process. We are clear and concise with our RFI's (Request for Information) in order to expedite the project. We have a reputation for offering suggested solutions to design or geometrical problems, and enjoy direct contact with the Design team to expedite the process where permitted.
We utilize the best Structural Steel Detailing software on the market today, including SDS/2,
Tekla Structures 16.0, SteelCad and Autocad applications. We can detail to whatever standards your shop requires.
We will provide Anchor Bolt Setting Plans, Erection Plans, Advance Material Lists and any required RFI's at the start of the project.
Structural Steel Detail drawings will be supplied with related Gather Sheets for fitting material, as well as CNC files for main material and fitting material. We can also provide DXF files for plate material. Field Bolt Summary lists are also supplied.